Walking the Solar System
When you walk the Solar System you are reminded that the Universe is vast and that Earth is a precious enclave within it. We must look after it. It’s the only planet under the Southern Cross worth living on. It’s five star. John Reid
A Solar System Walk is primarily an exercise in wonder. Disrupting your body’s familiarity with gravity provides the stimulus. Led by John Reid. Ryrie Park, 4.30-ish.
Walking the Solar System How to do it
• Choose a location that stimulates thought
and raises the spirit
• Identify a place to safely* position your body
• Adopt a walking pose at odds with gravity but aesthetically composed within your location
• Stabilise your body, take the strain and brace yourself for a Solar System Walk
• If possible, hold the walk for a minute and travel 1,800 kilometres through space
• Reflect on the vastness of the Universe and on planet Earth as a precious enclave within it
• Recover. Invigorated by the walk, continue daily life as a good Solurban citizen and custodian of Earth’s sustaining environment
* Walking the Solar System Safety Instructions
A Solar System Walk is primarily an exercise in wonder. Disrupting your body’s familiarity with gravity provides the stimulus. Ensuring your physical safety during the walk serves to liberate your imagination for its journey.
A Solar System Walk is not a feat of physical daring that places your body at high risk. When you Walk the Solar System the risk should be comparable to safely riding a bike.
Ensure your back gets the support it needs and that you are protected from injury should you lose control of your body during the walk.
Children Walking the Solar System should wear helmets and be supervised by adults.