Forum: Once and Future Landscape Care.
Featuring historian Bill Gammage. Bill argues the 1788 landscape was the product of long-standing, sophisticated, intricate management. What does this have to say about Indigenous Australians, and about learning (again) to live well within a healthy, enduring landscape? Bill will be joined by indigenous writer Bruce Pascoe and local landcare enthusiast Ben Gleeson.
National Theatre, Friday, 2.30-4.30pm
Walking and Talking the Land
with Uncle Max Harrison. This is always a festival highlight and this time we will hold it along Half Moon Road, Mongarlowe. The walk will pass Judith Wright’s former home, “Edge”. See Indigenous stream for logistical details.
Starting from Ryrie Park, Saturday, 8 – 10 am
Information Session: Our Heirloom Seed Inheritance
with Clive Blazey, founder of The Diggers Club. Calling all home gardeners, market gardeners, farmers and lovers of fruit and vegetables! Learn about our heirloom cultivars, F1 hybrids, and the challenge from purveyors of genetically-modified seeds.
St. Bede’s Hall, Saturday, 11am – noon
Tour: Wynlen House Market Gardens
with Bronwyn Richards. Bronwyn operates Wynlen House, a small “urban farm” and market garden within Braidwood town, producing vegetables, eggs, meat and other products with much love, clocking up Food Metres rather than Food Miles.
Wynlen House, Sunday, 11am – noon
Lunch: Eat at Wynlen House
– from Garden to Plate in only Twenty Metres. Limited to 12 places, book early! While Bronwyn takes us on a tour of the market garden, her partner Helen Lynch will be cutting some slick moves in the kitchen. They will dish up a tasty lunch of Wynlen House produce over a couple of courses.
Wynlen House, Sunday, noon – 1.30 pm