Indigenous Identity: Stories and Issues
This forum will explore a range of perspectives on indigenous identity in Australia in 2013. This topic is often fraught, and always important in its ongoing impact on individuals, families and communities. We expect the session to stimulate thinking in the audience (and therefore beyond…), and better inform them of the some of the diverse and complex issues involved.
We are very pleased to have four presenters, from different ages and stages of life, to share their stories, thoughts, experiences and challenges. There will be time for questions and discussion.
Associate Professor Susan Green is a Wiradjuri woman and academic whose work on Aboriginal welfare history and urban Aboriginal experiences has made a contribution to New South Wales, Aboriginal and welfare histories.
Bruce Pascoe has a Bunurong and Tasmanian heritage. He is an award-winning Australian writer, editor and anthologist, who has worked as a teacher, farmer, fisherman, barman, farm fence contractor, lecturer, Aboriginal language researcher, archeological site worker and book editor.
Amala Groom is a proud Wiradjuri woman from Bathurst, Western NSW who acknowledges her Maori, Polish and English heritage. She is an artist, poet, advocate, researcher and business owner.
Dwayne Bannon-Harrison is the eldest grandson of Yuin elder Uncle Max Dulamunmun Harrison, who has taught Dwayne his knowledge of Yuin country and culture. Dwayne is director of Ngaran Ngaran Culture Awareness.
St. Bede’s Hall, Sunday 10.30-11.30 am